Monday 22 September 2008

Media Studies

Media Studies :)

First bit of homework was a review for Shaun of the Dead. Love that film!
Things are going good and enjoying the lessons!

Shaun of the Dead- Review

Shaun of the dead is one of my favourite films purely because of the fast witty and original humour. Every time I see the film it never fails to crack me up. The film is a clever parody of the original ’Dawn of the Dead’. It also contains one of my favourite actor’s : Simon Pegg, who has been in other memorable films for me (Run Fatboy Run and Hot fuzz). Shaun, a North London loser, is a disappointment to his girlfriend, family, friends and flatmate. Only his mate Ed, an even bigger loser, looks up to him. The two often play pranks on each other and I feel that this relationship between the two makes the movie. Shaun is dumped by his girlfriend due too his lack of commitment and that he always wants to go to the ‘Winchester’(the local pub). As Shaun lives his average life he starts too notice some odd things and people changing. The two coach potato’s watch the news and realise there is something seriously wrong, average human beings are turning into zombies. Since Shaun and Ed are so ignorant they don’t realise until two zombies smash there windows in the hope to get into there living room, a classic comedy moment! Then flesh-eating zombies overrun the city and Shaun is forced to take responsibility for the survival of his friends and family. They manage to do this and realise that the only safe place is the pub, typical! After the comical journey to the pub they arrive safely, although Shaun’s mum is bitten by a zombie, in the end Shaun is forced too shoot his mum but this is when she is a zombie. Eventually after many trials and tribulations they manage to defend the pub until when too many zombies over power them and they are forced to head to the cellar where they escape. This film is a classical British sitcom and will not disappoint!

1 comment:

Mrs F said...

That was one of the most difficult films to comment on, as you know. The film is a spoof of the horror genre and much of the narrative is spent poking fun at the genre conventions rather than developing its own direction. Your job is to spot the genre stereotyping.

The running Cornetto gag features will feature in the third of the series - this time, as Mint Choc Chip. Watch this space.

Mrs F