We made a poster for our film giving our audience a hint of what is yet to come. We put a picture of a prison cell through Photoshop, raised the contrasts to add a chilling effect and put the title of our film in broken up typewriter font. The poster attracted people, because it is different and almost challenges people to watch it. The poster gives off a ‘not for the faint hearted’, it does not have pretty colours dotted with flowers, it is dank, dreary and makes you want to know what happens in the film. We also used interesting narrative techniques in the opening of the film by creating flashbacks which interest the audience and make them want to watch more.
What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
During MaxAls time of developing our film we had many troublesome bridges to cross. One thing that always used to get us down would be the technology of the kit we used. Who ever said that modern technology was simple?! So many minor things would go wrong for us that disrupted our filming schedule for example, one of our crew members (may even have been me!) would rewind the footage to watch it and then due to carelessness and lack of experience we would wipe over our footage. On the brighter side of things, it was not always our fault for example, we had problems transferring the High definition footage from the camera onto the computer, we had to change the system preferences to accommodate its needs. We had mixed feelings about Final Cut Pro, personally I
Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
I feel that we have taken things that we learnt from our preliminary and brought them into our final piece, for example, camera shots etc. But I feel doing the preliminary task has given me confidence to shoot footage and learn about editing. I really enjoyed doing both tasks and am very content on how they both turned out.
This is the final product which hasnt uploaded onto youtube that well because it is very choppy, but it is fine on the DVD.